There are certain vaccinations required or recommended for travel to Malawi.
  • Yellow Fever
  • Hepatitis A and B: These are recommended for most travelers, especially if you are unvaccinated. 
  • Typhoid: Recommended to protect against food and waterborne illness.
  • Tetanus: Recommended for most travelers, especially if you are not up-to-date on your booster shots.
  • Polio: Considered a routine vaccination for most travel itineraries.
  • Cholera: Considered for those traveling to rural areas or areas with poor sanitation. 
  • Rabies: Recommended for long-term travelers and those who may come into contact with animals. 
  • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR): Considered for those who are not up-to-date on their vaccinations. 
  • COVID-19: Recommended for all travelers.
You will also need to take Anti-Malaria pills (before, during, and after depending on the prescription)
Please visit the CDC website for more information.


The final cost of the trip is not finalized. Factors like amount of team members, plane tickets, and ministry costs won't be finalized for a couple of months. We do know the trip will cost around $3000. Airfare alone will be around $2500. Every effort is made to minimize costs without jeopardizing the quality, effectiveness, or safety of the ministry.

Each team member is in charge of raising their funds. We will however be doing some team fundraisers that will go towards the trip to help with those having difficulty raising the funds.

Payment Options:
In order to comply with the IRS, all checks should be made payable to Prodigal Church. All checks must include participant’s name and trip location in the memo line.

Separate Itineraries:
Travel arrangements go much smoother if everyone has the same itinerary. Changes in travel itineraries approved by the  trip leader. Separate itineraries makes it more complicated for
planning and makes it more difficult to arrange for group discounts. Separate itineraries also disrupt team bonding and unity. Exceptions may be made if a team member- pending leadership approval.

Deposit Information:
A $100 non-refundable deposit is required with this application. Make check payable to Prodigal Church.
The $100 deposit will go toward the total cost of your trip

Failure to raise funds:
If you raise funds for the trip-  but are not able to attend or did not raise enough money, the money raised will go to the ministry of the team. There will be no refunds. Any special requests/concerns contact Pastor John,



Please provide contact information of two individuals not traveling with your team who may be contacted in the event of an emergency


Prodigal Church Short-Term Mission Teams and their appointed team leaders have my permission to authorize any medical treatment deemed necessary for me or my child by the aforementioned and the attending physician, including administration of medication, anesthesia, emergency surgery, or hospitalization. I agree to assume complete financial responsibility for all medical bills incurred  by me or my child. I agree to assume total financial responsibility to travel home immediately if it is necessary for medical or any other emergency reasons.


In signing this form, I agree not to hold Prodigal Church, its officers, employees, or other agents liable for injury, loss, damage, or accident arising out of the church’s negligence or that negligence of its officers, employees or other agents that I might sustain while on one of its mission trips.
I realize and acknowledge that my (and my minor child’s/children’s) participation on a mission trip to a foreign country includes many risks and possible dangers. I am well aware that my travel to a foreign country exposes me to such risks as accidents, disease, war, political unrest, injury from construction projects, and other calamities. I hereby assume risks that might result from my travel to a foreign country, and I agree to hold Prodigal Church, its officers, employees, or other agents harmless for liability concerning my personal health and well-being arising out of Prodigal Church’s negligence, and liability for my personal property that might be lost, damaged, or stolen while on a mission trip arising out of Prodigal Church’s negligence. I also give permission for my child to travel with an assigned staff member from Prodigal Church outside the United States of America, and give that person permission to administer medical care in the case of an emergency. I have carefully read the foregoing and I understand that my signature herein holds Prodigal Church, its officers, employees, or other agents harmless for liability for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay, or irregularity in schedule arising out of the church’s negligence or the negligence of its officers, employees, or other agent.