In signing this form, I agree not to hold Prodigal Church, its officers, employees, or other agents liable for injury, loss, damage, or accident arising out of the church’s negligence or that negligence of its officers, employees or other agents that I might sustain while on one of its mission trips.
I realize and acknowledge that my (and my minor child’s/children’s) participation on a mission trip to a foreign country includes many risks and possible dangers. I am well aware that my travel to a foreign country exposes me to such risks as accidents, disease, war, political unrest, injury from construction projects, and other calamities. I hereby assume risks that might result from my travel to a foreign country, and I agree to hold Prodigal Church, its officers, employees, or other agents harmless for liability concerning my personal health and well-being arising out of Prodigal Church’s negligence, and liability for my personal property that might be lost, damaged, or stolen while on a mission trip arising out of Prodigal Church’s negligence. I also give permission for my child to travel with an assigned staff member from Prodigal Church outside the United States of America, and give that person permission to administer medical care in the case of an emergency. I have carefully read the foregoing and I understand that my signature herein holds Prodigal Church, its officers, employees, or other agents harmless for liability for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay, or irregularity in schedule arising out of the church’s negligence or the negligence of its officers, employees, or other agent.